Georgia Maldonado
Georgia was born and raised in NYC and works as a piano technician and technical trainer. She has been studying internal martial arts for over 13 years. Her background in piano performance and piano technology sparked an interest to pursue more meditative practices, which brought her to the Wutang PCA. She was fortunate to have been invited to visit the Wutang PCA by her future husband Christopher and participate in a women’s Qi gong class with Tina Zhang. Her introduction to Qi gong was a formative experience which opened up more pathways and motivated her to go in deeper and begin her studies in internal martial arts. Georgia didn’t come from an athletic background or had previously trained in any style of martial arts, before finding the Wu Tang PCA. She used the discipline she gained through studying piano and applied it to training in all the expansive forms and curriculum the school has to offer. She has had a lot experience studying with music teachers and piano technology mentors in her life, but her experience studying with Frank and Tina will always be one of a kind. Over the years, she was able to expand the limitations of her skills and abilities through practice and dedication. After years of study Georgia was invited to become a disciple of Master Frank Allen which she accepted with honor and appreciation - and joy! Georgia’s time studying has improved her quality of life and has allowed her to create more connections with the internal mind and body. Frank and Tina’s mentorship has helped push her towards developing her own career goals, which motivated her to become a trainer in piano technology. The Wutang PCA is a special place, where one can train with amazing instructors, create bonds, find growth, and look forward to the future. Georgia’s journey at the Wu Tang PCA has only just begun…