Thomas Majarov
Tom Majarov was introduced to the Wu Tang PCA in the late 1990’s through his wife Kate Aloise Majarov, when he started attending workshops and classes while visiting her in New York. He became a formal disciple along with Kate at the Wu Tang’s first Bai Shi ceremony in 2009. A resident of Maryland, Tom is a founding company member of the Maryland Ensemble Theater (MET), and has enjoyed adapting his martial arts forms to theatre exercises and movements pieces for MET productions including Lysistrata and A Clockwork Orange. An interest in other cultures lead him to pursue a B.A in Anthropology from the College of William& Mary. Tom has recently taken up Bonsai and Penjing; he is currently the Web Master for the Maryland Bonsai Association. He and Kate and looking forward to their next trip to China with the Wu Tang.